About Us
Inner West for Refugees is mobilising the community to shift attitudes and advocate to our elected political leaders about people seeking asylum
We raise awareness of the issues affecting refugees by hosting guest speakers with lived experience as asylum seekers. We share information on how people can take action to support refugees, and how they can be effective allies.
We work with other community groups and support services such as Mums for Refugees and Addi Road food pantry, providing referrals and directing material donations to these vital services. We collaborate with the Jesuit Refugee Service on campaigns. We promote refugee-focused events and actions.
We encourage people to participate in letter writing campaigns, and to directly engage with our local and federal MPs.
Inner West for Refugees has held silent auctions, raffles and social events in order to raise much needed funds for support agencies such as the Asylum Seekers Centre.
Connect with us on Facebook or email us at IW4Refugees@gmail.com